Thursday, 16 December 2010
Wednesday, 15 December 2010
The beauty of a good night's sleep: Why eight hours' shut-eye really does improve your looks
Forget lotions and potions. Don’t bother with a new dress or hairstyle. The best way to improve your looks is to treat yourself to some good old-fashioned beauty sleep.
Those who manage eight hours a night look far more attractive than those who are sleep deprived, according to scientists.
Twenty-three healthy young adults were photographed after a good night’s sleep, and again after much less.
Those who manage eight hours a night look far more attractive than those who are sleep deprived, according to scientists.
Twenty-three healthy young adults were photographed after a good night’s sleep, and again after much less.
Each picture was then rated on an attractiveness scale of one to ten by members of the public. And the well-rested won hands down.
Young women who took part in the study were not allowed to use make up and had to wear their hair down for both photos, just in case a particular style was slightly more flattering.
On the first night they slept in their own homes and were told to go to bed at 11pm and set their alarms for 7am. On the second night they were allowed to sleep no more than five hours and were monitored in the laboratory to ensure they did not get any more. The result? They looked much worse after less sleep.
‘Sleep deprived people are perceived as less attractive and less healthy compared with when they are well rested,’ said the study, which was published in the BMJ and carried out at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm.
‘Apparent tiredness was strongly related to looking less healthy and less attractive.’
Although the notion of beauty sleep has often been dismissed as a myth, research is growing that shows sleep really can enhance your appearance.
Sleep has also been shown to reduce wrinkles in the face and neck. This is because when we are asleep we sweat more, and this moisture on the skin smooths out any lines. Experts recommend at least seven hours a night but the average Briton manages little more than six.
Young women who took part in the study were not allowed to use make up and had to wear their hair down for both photos, just in case a particular style was slightly more flattering.
‘Sleep deprived people are perceived as less attractive and less healthy compared with when they are well rested,’ said the study, which was published in the BMJ and carried out at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm.
‘Apparent tiredness was strongly related to looking less healthy and less attractive.’
Although the notion of beauty sleep has often been dismissed as a myth, research is growing that shows sleep really can enhance your appearance.
Sleep has also been shown to reduce wrinkles in the face and neck. This is because when we are asleep we sweat more, and this moisture on the skin smooths out any lines. Experts recommend at least seven hours a night but the average Briton manages little more than six.
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
Sunday, 5 December 2010
Ten ways to beat tax hang-ups
If you're terrified by the tax demand that lands on your doorstep, you are not alone. Millions of us are waking up to a brown letter from the taxman, who is dealing with a vast backlog of cases.
What's more, it is getting ever more difficult to get hold of someone at Revenue & Customs (HMRC) who can sort out any mistakes. HMRC announced this week that its helpline would be shut on Sundays from November 29, and will open only until 4pm, instead of 8pm, on Saturdays.
Even though you may end up hanging on the telephone, the taxman has made systemic errors in so many cases that you really need to check whether their calculations are right before you pay up. We asked accountants for tips to help taxpayers cope with tax letters.
Don't be afraid to demand
Roy-Chowdhury of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants said: "Check all the items and amounts carefully in any letter you receive, and do not be scared to challenge HMRC. For example, do you agree that you had a company car of a specific value and with the carbon dioxide emissions as stated? Did you have private medical insurance?"
Act promptly and keep records
Geoff Everett, tax director at accountants Smith & Williamson, said: "If you get a tax statement – formally called HMRC form P800 – which you believe is incorrect, bring the discrepancies to the attention of the tax office immediately. Don't wait until the tax is being demanded. If you disagree with the authorities, make your point in writing and be able to provide proof, ideally copies of the supporting paperwork. Be sure to keep a copy of all correspondence."
Be prepared to come up with the evidence to back your claim
You may need to produce payslips, evidence of pension contributions and other documents from as long ago as 2004. George Bull of accountants Baker Tilly said: "HMRC has only checked for the tax years 2008/09 and 2009/10 but if you've overpaid tax you can claim back at least as far as 2006/07 and may be able to claim back as far as 2004/05 in certain circumstances. Four years is now the normal time limit for reclaiming overpaid tax but people who were not sent tax returns for 2004/05 or 2005/06 may claim back tax overpaid in those years as well."
Don't panic!
John Whiting, a director of the Chartered Institute of Taxation, said: "Anyone receiving a P800 from HMRC needs to bear in mind the Dad's Army maxim. You can get free information from the Low Income Tax Reform Group at or, if a pensioner, call 0845 601 3321.''
Be aware that some groups are more at risk of tax bungles
Mr Everett said: "If you have retired in the past few years, changed jobs, receive benefits–in-kind or have more than one job, you are more likely to be at risk from overpaying or underpaying tax. You are also at risk if you have made additional voluntary contributions (AVCs) to your pension or donated to charity via the Gift Aid system. Another category at risk includes those typically with relatively small investment income, perhaps from dividends or property rental, but which varies year-on-year."
You might not need to pay long overdue tax
Mr Bull said: "HMRC will only write off tax if it had information relevant to your tax liability and failed to make proper use of that information within 12 months after the end of the tax year in which the information was received. That is likely to mean that most people whose tax 'arrears' only relate to 2009-10 will have to pay the tax unless HMRC agrees to write off the debt on hardship grounds. If the error was made in 2008/09, the one-year condition may be satisfied and, if tax was also unpaid in 2009/10 due to the same error, that year's tax should be written off too."
Small errors should also be exempt
Mr Everett said: "The authorities have confirmed that where the tax underpayment for a tax year is less than £300, HMRC will write off the amount rather than collect it."
Apply the 'common sense' test
Mr Whiting pointed out: "People who are getting what seems to be a tax demand may take comfort from the fact that this isn't a formal demand – but it is an indication of what HMRC thinks you owe it. There are some simple steps you should take, such as check the basic data; does it make sense? Has HMRC included a company car you gave up years ago, for example? Do the figures look right? Pensioners, for example, often find HMRC has used the wrong amount for the basic state pension."
It's the squeaky wheel that gets oiled
Mr Bull urged people expecting a refund not to just sit back and hope. "If you have overpaid tax and want it back now, you need to claim it," he said.
Beware of fraudsters
Mr Everett pointed out: "HMRC will send tax demands only in writing. If you get an email or phone call saying that you owe additional tax, but get nothing in writing from HMRC, then don't pay it."
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
I'll die in debt, say one in three
Nine out of 10 people have run up unsecured debt and many fear they will never be able to pay back what they owe, a survey has claimed.
Around 89pc of people aged between 18 and 35 said they owed money on a credit card, loan or overdraft, the research showed.
A third of people admitted they did not think they would ever be debt-free, 54pc of whom said they would always need to borrow money in order to fund the lifestyle they wanted.
One in five of these people also claimed they were not worried about the possibility of their debts being passed on to their next of kin if they died before they were repaid.
Credit Card Debt is clearly an big issue in United Kingdom, so why doest authority take measures? They do help us to realise that we dont eat healthy, but a simple warning about credit card debts is missing.
Saturday, 27 November 2010
Beady Eye - Bring The Light
Beady Eye - Bring The Light from verstaerker on Vimeo.
Beady Eye is new British pop group, the founder of hte group is one of the founders of Oasis, Liam Gallagher.
There will be The Hangover 2!
Great news for those who loved The Hangover 1! Its was amaizing great and funny movie:)
Release date 27 May 2011 (UK)
Thursday, 25 November 2010
Finance and Management Graduate : Looking for a job..
You always get from your parents the following sentence " Go study and you will have a bright future"! Yah, even I say that often to all my friends and family. Now I am in the situation that I cant explain, I have been studying at school and the university, have pretty good marks but no job.. How come? May be its the fact that I just graduated on the wrong time? It’s pretty hard to find a job in a completely new country and new environment. I have always worked part-time during my studies, as financial administrator at the bank and as junior project manager at the university. Now, I have applied for many jobs and waiting for the results. On Tuesday I have applied for a graduate position within Phillips in UK and Frankie Haste will decide whether I get the job or not. Dear Frankie if you read this, give me a chance and I will prove you have made a great choice!
p.s. If you have any suggestions or information that can help me to get a job, please let me know!
p.s. If you have any suggestions or information that can help me to get a job, please let me know!
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
The price of being single
Living alone costs singletons an extra £250,000 over a lifetime compared to couples, it is claimed. So what is the "singles tax", asks Tom de Castella.
The illusion of single life being one long party has been shattered, was the bold claim.
Carrying the full burden of a mortgage, holidays and bills all adds up and single people spend more than £250,000 over the course of their life because they are not part of a couple, a new study suggests.
Researchers compared the spending of people living alone with couples, says price comparison website uSwitch, who commissioned the study. According to the findings single people are paying a hefty penalty for going it alone - hence the non-stop party illusion being shattered. But is it really true?
"Being single costs a lot and you're bloody miserable - that's what singles themselves say," says Ann Robinson from uSwitch. "Only 20% believe they've got the better deal than couples."
The biggest aspect of the "singles tax" is housing, with people who live alone having to pay an average of £7,080 a year on mortgage or rent compared with £3,804 for someone living with a partner. Then there are household bills and council tax. And while lone residents can claim a rebate on council tax, it is only 25% rather than the 50% it should be to equal what a couple pays.
Expensive single hotel rooms and the lack of opportunity for bulk buying at the supermarket are additional penalties.
The findings were given added impetus by the projection that the number of single-person households could reach 9.5 million over the next decade.
"If you live alone the chances are you're not going to go on holiday so much - 43% of people who live alone don't go on holiday," say Ms Robinson. "You're having to spend on necessities rather than having fun. £5,000 is a lot of money to lose a year - you could definitely have a great holiday for that."
But Stuart Adam, senior research economist at the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS), doubts whether the situation is as clearcut as the study presents.
"The quarter of a million figure depends first on whether you believe their £5,000 a year finding and I'd need quite a lot of convincing that they'd got their methodology right. Then to get from £5,000 a year to a quarter of a million over your lifetime they've based it on 53 years alone from 22 to 75. But nowadays people change their status all the time, going into couples and splitting up."
Buying power
It's even possible that the research is skewed because the type of person who becomes part of a couple is different from someone who stays single, he says.
And crucially it ignores the impact of benefits and tax credits, which usually favour single people, he says. Recent research by the IFS has quantified that single people claiming benefits are on average £45 a week - or £2,340 a year - better off than those in a couple. So, for those at the bottom of the income league there may be a benefit to being single, although this must be balanced against savings that couples make from economies of scale, he says.
"There are clearly financial benefits to being in a couple, the biggest thing is housing costs," says Mr Adams. "But that's not to say you're better off. We did research on the effect of tax credits and benefits and the bottom line is that it penalises couples. The Conservatives talked in their manifesto about reducing the couple penalty, but they haven't tried to bring it in yet."
Martin Lewis, founder of the website, is cautious about the uSwitch figures, but accepts the basic premise that couples have a clear advantage when it comes to buying power.
"There's no doubt that single people end up paying more to live than a couple because of economies of scale. But these economies of scale can vary a lot, it all depends on how intelligent a consumer you are."
The art of being a clever consumer is more or less the same for singletons as anyone else, he says. Dropping down a brand, making a shopping list, menu planning are all ways of cutting supermarket bills. But it's harder for singles when it comes to going on holiday.
"For most hotels you pay by the room," he says. "And even if you find a single room - and they're few and far between - you'll still pay more."
But there are ways around this like going with a travel company who cater for singles by trying to fix you up with someone else. And single travellers are more likely to pick up cheap flights if availability is tight - and they also have a greater chance of being upgraded.
'Stinking rich'
But in the main the odds are stacked against singletons, Mr Lewis warns: "Most companies predicate their prices to the norm and more people are going away in pairs and families than as singles. Is it fair that they have to pay more? It won't feel fair to single people, but it's rational."
Hannah Betts, who writes the column Things You Only Know If You're Single in The Times, accepts that it is "bloody expensive" living alone. Some of her sources complain that going on holiday with couples can be impossibly expensive.
And then there's the question of one's living arrangements. She recalls how a single friend suddenly realised why her flat was such a "student hellhole" compared to the homes of couples.
"She'd stumbled across that time-honoured formula one plus one equals two Visa cards with which to hit John Lewis," she says. "Whereas one plus nada equals squat - specifically, the one you're living in. So there's a reason why couples' homes look so grown up and elegant."
And Ms Betts, 39, dismisses Ms Robinson's point that single people can't afford to have fun.
"The one thing they do is have fun. I go out every night whereas some of my married friends never do. Then there's the SWOFTIES - single women over fifty - who like clubbing, twitter and exotic holidays. They don't have pensions but they're having a fabulous time.
"Part of being single is having this carpe diem lifestyle - when you're single one's social life is one's life."
If there's one positive thing that comes out of the study it's debunking the myth that single people are rolling in money, she says.
"It's a reprimand to those couples who say that by dint of not having children you're stinking rich. And that is a huge area of resentment between breeders and lone rangers."
But in the end the materialists are missing the point, she argues.
"It is expensive,but for me it's more 'what price freedom?' The people I know are single out of choice."
Thursday, 18 November 2010
The Trafford Centre in Manchester
picture source: wikipedia
There are very nice shopping centre's in UK. Most recently I have visited Trafford Shopping Centre in Manchester. I can truly recommend to visit this shopping centre, not only will you find more than 230 stores and services but you also get the lovely architecture. Its a pleasure to shop in such a shopping centre. My favourite stores in this shopping centre are : Guess, French Connection,Mango, Zara, La Senza, DKNY Jeans, Coast and more..
Here is Trafford Centre Guide , for more information go to:
Friday, 12 November 2010
Found Vase Sets $83 Million China Art Record in Auction Battle
43 million pounds worth vase.
The vase had been discovered during a routine house clearance in the suburb of Pinner in London. Rather than being offered at the central salerooms of Christie’s International or Sotheby’s, it was sold by Bainbridges, a west London auction house, with an estimate of 800,000 pounds to 1.2 million pounds. It made 40 times as much, at a hammer price of 43 million pounds. After a Bloomberg preview report, dealers traveled to the provincial sale from Asia. Others were in town for Asian Art in London’s schedule of gallery exhibitions, shows and lectures.
“Everyone was excited about this vase,” David Baker, one of the 37 dealers exhibiting at Asian Art in London, said in an interview. “It’s an exceptional Imperial piece in perfect condition with the most amazing reticulated decoration. It’s exactly what Chinese buyers want at the moment.”
Source: Bloomberg
Tuesday, 9 November 2010
Just saw clothes on "This morning" show, its amaizing what kind of clothes primark sales. I have never been fan of bargains, but the blouse ( £8) and the bag (£12) look amaizing. Perhaps I should visit Primark one day, although I like stores were its more organized,clean and with few people in it.
Monday, 8 November 2010
My latest beauty purchases
My latest purchases
1. Guerlain Kiss Kiss lipstick
2. Johnson's Hand Cream
3. High Beam
4. Soap & Glory (smells delicious !)
1. Guerlain Kiss Kiss lipstick
2. Johnson's Hand Cream
3. High Beam
4. Soap & Glory (smells delicious !)
Thursday, 25 February 2010
Nuit Blanche
Nuit Blanche from Spy Films on Vimeo.
Nuit Blanche explores a fleeting moment between two strangers, revealing their brief connection in a hyper real fantasy.
Is there limitation for amount of Happines?
Who cares?!
Who Cares?!
When the world collapses under your feat.
Have ever seen a movie where the guy loses his job and decided to kill him self? Have you heard a story where she/he loses everything, house, job, family and decided to leave this world. From the distance, you will think that nothing is worth to give your life; this is because you don’t feel their pain. You don’t know their fears. You are not in their situation. When things go wrong, people ask themselves, why? Why me? See, now you know what the pain is. And now you may understand those people’s feelings. now, when you feel SHIT, think about yourself as you are on of those movie characters.
Wednesday, 3 February 2010
What to do when you are bored at work.
1. Kill a few Flies
2. Put them in the sun to dry for one hour.
3. Once they are dry, pick a pencil and paper... Let your imagination flow.
2. Put them in the sun to dry for one hour.
3. Once they are dry, pick a pencil and paper... Let your imagination flow.
Tuesday, 2 February 2010
Why it is ok to have a lazy day
8 Reasons Why You Should Have Lazy Tuesday!
1. After hard working on Monday, after Surviving Monday, YOU Deserve to rest.
2. When you decide to Have Lazy Tuesday, IT gives you Right to Reset Your MIND and Relax!!!!
3.Next day you will have far more energy as you had relaxed the day before.
4. YOu Should not think about stuff you have to do, forget about it, because its lazy Tuesday!
5. Sometimes its just nice, to lay back and DO nOTHING, why? Simply, Because U CAN!
6. IF you feel guilty about relaxing, and you don't like the term " LAZY TUESDAY", you also can call it, >QUALITY TIME < , that is how " big people " call it and scientists
7. You can watch youR Favourite movie
8. Go clubbing during the WEEK!
Grammy Awards
The Grammys were on sale, thats why Beyonce got 6 of them!
MOST ONLUCKY PERSON ON GRAMMYS is the guy who sits Behind Lady GAGA
pictures: source
MOST ONLUCKY PERSON ON GRAMMYS is the guy who sits Behind Lady GAGA
pictures: source
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